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Re: st: ci for ir after poisson

From   [email protected] (Roberto G. Gutierrez, StataCorp.)
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: ci for ir after poisson
Date   Tue, 10 Sep 2002 17:03:56 -0500

Ali Karim <[email protected]> asks:

> I am using the poisson regression to compare rare events among two groups.
> Now, I need to get the confidence interval of my predicted ir. How do I do
> this?

The easiest way is probably:

	. scalar zcrit = invnorm((100+$S_level)/200)
	. predict xbeta, xb nooffset
	. predict std_xb, stdp nooffset
	. predict ir, ir
	. gen ci_left  = exp(xbeta - scalar(zcrit)*std_xb)
	. gen ci_right = exp(xbeta + scalar(zcrit)*std_xb)
	. list ci_left ir ci_right

which basically takes a CI for the linear predictor and transforms the 
endpoints so that you have a CI for the incidence rate.  Note, this only 
works because the transformation from linear predictor to IR is monotone.

Use as is for default level, $S_level, or customize to taste.

[email protected]
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