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Search Stata's help files

Want to know whether Stata has a particular feature or statistic? Try the search command used by the Stata software to search Stata's keyword database.

search provides a list of references — references to the on-line help, references to the PDF documentation, references to articles that have appeared in the Stata Journal (SJ), and references to FAQs on the website, links to video tutorials, links to community–contributed software, references to blog articles, references to books, and more.

Type a topic such as regression or survival analysis or even Gini coefficients or Lorenz curve, and Stata itself will tell you what it knows. (It is best if you use the singular, Lorenz curve and not curves, but in most cases, Stata will find it anyway. The more narrowly you define the topic, the fewer matches Stata will find.)

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We're running Stata on our server and this gives us a chance to show off Stata's on-line help features.